Arunachal Pradesh: Khandu inaugurates High Altitude Orchid’s Conservation plot

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Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu today inaugurated the first of its kind High Altitude Orchid’s Conservation plot in Tawang.

The idea of High altitude Orchid Conservation plot was suggested by Tawang Deputy Commissioner, Sang Phuntsok, and initiated by Sange Tsering DFO Tawang.

The inaugural programme was marked by ceremonial plantation of local orchid species by the dignitaries and invitees. Along with the CM, the other dignitaries present on the occasion were Tsering Tashi, MLA Tawang, Sang Phuntsok DC Tawang, Padmashree Awardee Lama Thupten Phuntsok, Abbot Tawang Monastery, and HoDs.

The High Altitude Orchid conservation plot is currently stocked with 200 Orchids of 12 species, the orchid family are probably one of the highly threatened species due to extreme sensitivity to environmental changes.

As per the first comprehensive Orchid census of the country by Botanical Survey of India, Arunachal Pradesh has emerged as its top contributor, as nearly (612 out of 1256) of India’s Orchid species can be found in the North-Eastern states of India and there is a strong possibility that there could be many more. Tawang with diverse forest types- alpine, Sub Alpine, Temperate and sub tropical has a great possibility of finding many more different species of Orchids.

The DFO Tawang also briefed that the Conservation plot would go a long way in inducing awareness and conservation approach, especially in respect to rare and endangered species of Tawang and there is a planned road way for further improving and commercializing the conservation plot in coming days, that would act for in situ conservation of Orchids.

After the inauguration of Orchid conservation plot, Khandu inaugurated the Landscape Flower garden near DC Office Tawang which is developed by the Horticulture department Tawang.

Prior to this event Khandu along with Tawang MLA participated in a plantation drive at Ugyanling, the birthplace of the sixth Dalai Lama which was organized by Environmental Protection society (NGO) in collaboration with Chosrig Affairs Deptt and supported by Deptt of Forest, SSB and ITBP.

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