Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu said that he tested negative for Covid-19 after undertaking a repeat Covid-19 RT-PCR test yesterday.
In a tweet CM Khandu said, “I had undertaken a repeat Covid19 RT-PCR test yesterday. Because of the wishes and prayers of each one of you, I am glad to inform that I have tested NEGATIVE.”
I had undertaken a repeat Covid19 RT-PCR test yesterday.
Because of the wishes and prayers of each one of you, I am glad to inform that I have tested NEGATIVE.
Thank you all 👍. #WearMask #StaySafe
— Pema Khandu པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་། (@PemaKhanduBJP) September 17, 2020
Earlier, the CM had undergone Covid test RT-PCR and have tested positive for Covid-19, however, the minister was asymptomatic.