Sub-Divisional Library Opens for Public & Students at Mechukha

The Sub-Divisional Library, Mechukha was made open to the public and students of Yomi district today by Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly speaker Pasang D Sona in presence of DC Mito Dirchi, SP G Dajangju and all HoDs of the Shi Yomi district.

The Sub-Divisional Library which was defunct received a massive renovation and facelift recently. New volumes of books were also procured and added to the book stock of the library.

Speaking on the occasion , the Speaker said that it should not only cater to the needs of book readers of the district but a library class for each standard should also be incorporated into the school routine of the schools nearby.

He further informed that in due course of time the library would also be benefitted by donations from the Raja Ram Mohan Roy Book Trust and contributions of NGOs active in the field in other parts of the state like Bamboosa etc.

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