Taking jibe at PM Modi, Rahul Gandhi said “he can’t compete with PM Modi in speaking lies.” in a rally at Darbhanga, Bihar today.
As Bihar enters the first phase of polls today with above 46% voters turn out, highest till date, the lines of final campaign has taken a new turn. Both Modi and Rahul are at Bihar today addressing multiple rallies. Modi accused the RJD government of looting Bihar whereas Rahul said that the Nitish Government has taken the state to gallows in the last fifteen years.
A voter and a political analyst of Bihar who denied to be named said that though the wind is in favour of the Mahagatbandhan CM Candidate, Tejasvi Yadav but still people are voting in terms of caste. Needless to say that for the first time Bihar is witnessing election contested on the issues of unemployment, hunger, health and education.
While the State and national level parties are on the field, Pushpam Priya Chaudhury’s party Prurals seem to lack the field connect and hence might act as a vote cancel mechanism for the Mahagatbandhan and hence favouring NDA led JD(U).