Assam scribe thrashed for reporting on gambling activities

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Posted in Assam, Featured

In yet another unprecedented incident a journalist from Assam was thrashed by miscreants for reporting on gambling activities in Mirza.

According to reports, the journalist Milan Mahanta who works for a local daily was shopping at a local market when one Sanjay Thakuria along with a group of people confronted him and started abusing him for reporting on illegal gambling activities.

Reportedly, the group of people dragged Mahanta and tied him to a light post and thrashed him.

Later, Mahanta was rescued after a large crowd gathered around the incident that unshackled him and took him to a nearby pharmacy to get him checked. The miscreants threatened the journalist and managed to flee the scene later.

A police complaint has been filed by Mahanta at Palashbari police station soon after. An investigation is currently underway.

It needs to be mentioned here, the incident comes to light a few days after another senior journalist Parag Bhuyan was killed in an alleged hit-and-run case in Kakopathar town of Tinsukia.

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