Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu in a meeting today with the PWD department instructed to expedite the work on Arunachal’s first state highway, the 25km Gohpur Tinali-Sangdupota road.
He instructed the officials to take up the project on a priority basis within this financial year.
He held a meeting today with the local MLA Tana Hali Tara, CS Naresh Kumar, Commissioner PWD Kaling Tayeng, Commissioner Planning Prashant Lokhande and Chief Engineer (SID&P) PWD Dr. Atop lego.
Once completed, the road will bring connectivity to several important national and state institutes being developed in the area such as NIT, Jarbom Gamlin Law College, Film Institute, Army cantonment, Women’s College, etc, said the CM.
He thanked the local public for donating land for free for the construction of the road.