Check Out These Trending Fitness Trends

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Posted in Featured, Fitness, Health, Lifestyle

Anuraag Jaiswar

New year’s unfolding with all its beauty, the fitness industry is returning back to all its glory and we are excited. However, with all the lessons, the lockdown period has also helped set some new trends in fitness and we are glad about it. So let’s check out some of them.

Online Training

Online training is the new cool. With the rise of the digital era and the virtual reality, the fitness industry has caught up with it pretty well. Is it safe? Well that completely depends on the trainers’ observation of mistakes through their knowledge and experience. Is it better or worse than training with a trainer in person? Again, that depends on the communication shared by both the parties (trainer and client). The ultimate goal of the whole session is proper communication so that the session is executed in the safest manner. Ain’t that what happens in a session with the trainer standing beside?

Home Workouts

At home training is trending, period. People have gotten busy anyway. And the lockdown scene had just added to it. Training at home saves a lot of time and effort plus you have the trainer standing right beside you, eyeing for mistakes. But be it the home workouts or the virtual one, the basic question that comes to mind is that- do they have the potential to make you derive the desired outcome? The answer is a big yes! But that once again will totally depend on the trainers’ expertise and also the clients’ determination. To sum it up, it is possible without a doubt.

Outdoor Activities

Another something that we’ve seen to have happened widely and no disagreements that it is really cool to watch people on the streets early morning, waking up with the intention of taking care of themselves. Talking about outdoors, check out some common activities in minute detail:

  • Running– The most traditional way of defining “healthy habits” or staying “fit”. And even though most people were already into it, more have added to it. Is it sufficient? Well, it isn’t suitable for developing strength and low/no strength may cause joint issues. But it is definitely a conquest for cardio-respiratory health.
  • Cycling– The cycle dealers are probably the richest people on earth right now. Just kidding! Or not. People have fallen in love with this two-wheeler and have been cycling more than ever. Now, this is definitely one of my favorite outdoors’ because of its health benefits. Cycling engages more muscles than you think starting from your legs, core to arms. And riding in different terrains and intensity provides enough stimuli to majority of the muscles to feel exercised. No mentions that it is great for cardio-respiratory performance as well.
  • HIIT-The most intense form of workout that also saves time. From being a muscle-specific workout to pushing the cardio-respiratory limits to its greatest extent, the High Intensity Interval Training has got all the right reasons to be trending. Gym or no gym, outdoor or indoor, HIIT can never be excluded from our training schedule.

Corporate Fitness

A lot of governmental and non-governmental institutions have realized the importance of physical and mental well being and gladly have even taken steps to prioritize the same for their employees by introducing corporate fitness sessions. And things have only gotten easier with the introduction of technology which is the digital medium.

Mental Healthcare

Last but never ever the least in the list, the mental well being. It’s no more a taboo, at least that’s  what I prefer to believe. People are opening up, talking about it and more importantly, the youth is aware. Several people/institutions have stepped up at a professional level showing support and that is beautiful. Finally, it is getting the attention it deserved/needed. And we do not want this trend to get over ever.

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