The Tripura government has imposed a night curfew will be imposed between 10 PM to 5 AM in the Agartala Municipal Corporation area wef 22nd April 2021.
Further, Medical and other emergency needs and persons to maintain essential services like health, police, security, power supply, drinking water supply etc may be exempted. DM (West) will issue an order under section 144 CrPC giving details. Wide publicity will be done of the order and strict enforcement measures will be taken.
Meanwhile, in view of the serious covid situation, the job-related physical examinations and tests will stand postponed. This will include a written examination by the Joint Recruitment Board of Manpower & Employment Department and a physical test of the IR battalion. The concerned Departments will issue the notification in this regard.
On the other hand, a fine of Rs. 200/- in the first violation and Rs. 400/- for subsequent violation in regard to not wearing of mask/ face cover.
Fine of Rs. 1000/- for not ensuring social distancing in public and private transport, for not ensuring social distancing among the consumers in front of the shops by shopkeepers, and for violating home quarantine norms.