Containment Zone in Guwahati’s 3 Wards Withdrawn

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Posted in Assam, Assam, Featured, Northeast

In a new order issued by the office of the DC, Kamrup (Metro), containment zones in Ward no. 8, 16, and 28 in Guwahati have now been withdrawn after a gradual decrease in COVID-19 positivity rate was witnessed during the last two weeks.

In a step to contain the spread of Covid-19, the District Magistrates have been empowered to declare containment zones in areas under their jurisdiction when the positivity rate crosses 10%.

The recent notification states, “In view of the gradual decrease in positivity rate of COVID-19 virus during last two weeks in the containment vines notified..”
However, people of the said three wards are to maintain COVID-19 protocols in a strict manner so that the further spread of the virus can be minimized.

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