-Zangmu Dingla, NET Correspondent, Arunachal Pradesh
In the wake of the arrest of two IRBN personnel with banned drugs in Banderdewa under Biphuria Police Station on May 31 and taking cognizance of various reports that some government employees were also involved in the consumption of banned contraband substances, the Arunachal Pradesh Government, through the Office of the Chief Secretary, has issued a circular on June 1 giving them a month’s time to come clean.
Thereafter, any government employee indulging in substance abuse will be dealt with action including termination of service.
The circular directed the involved employees to report in writing to their respective Controlling Officers about their addiction(s), to enable them to take remedial action as needed at their own cost immediately.
The government would provide such employees with a one-time immunity from prosecution / disciplinary action.
The circular issued also noted that, under law, the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs is punishable by rigorous imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fines up to Rs 20,000, or both.
It also noted that under the Conduct rules of government employees, such behaviour is also liable to serious disciplinary action and severest penalties.
Taking to social media to share the aforementioned circular, Chief Minister Pema Khandu wrote, “A society free from drugs is what we all envision for our State. This has to start from the government employees.”