Mizoram Farm Nearly Loses 1.75 Crores To ASF

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Posted in Featured, Mizoram


Ezrela Daldia Fanai, NET Correspondent Mizoram

On June 18, 2021, the Professional Pig Culling Team accompanied by officials from the Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department of Mizoram culled forty-two pigs worth Rs 90 lakhs at ‘Alcof Farm’ Sateek, an hour away from capital Aizawl.

Owner PC Ramchullova started the Alcof Farm in 2019 with 23 pigs. The farm was doing good business as, since the beginning of 2021, the farm had planning to sell 1200 piglets and 120 pigs.

Sadly, it came under the grip of African Swine Fever (ASF) at the beginning of June killing 400 of its swine. Since then the farm has incurred a loss of over 1.75 crores.
The owner of the farm, PC Ramchullova informed that only 49 pigs measuring below 30 inches could be saved.

The team after culling the pigs buried then following bio-security protocols.
Speaking to NorthEast Today, Dr. Lalhmingthanga, Joint Director of the department said, “Alcof Farm has been infected with one of the most devasting diseases of pigs. As requested by the farm owner, we have come here to cull the pigs. Though this farm has a fairly good bio-security system and is located at an isolated place, we are investigating how ASF infected the farm.”

He added that as there is no vaccine for African Swine Fever, the only control measure is preventive measures like- disinfection of infected areas, proper carcass disposal, educating the farmers, and restrictions on the movement of pigs from outside of the state and international borders as well as banning pig products from outside.

However, adopting these measures does not guarantee protection from ASF. “Despite all these measures, it is extremely difficult to control the spread of ASF which has spread to almost all districts of Mizoram,” Dr. Lalhmingthanga said

African Swine Fever (ASF) was first detected in Mizoram on March 21, 2021, at Lungsen village. It has now spread to 110 villages of Mizoram’s nine districts.
Rapid Response Team set up by the state Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department are already stationed in all the districts of Mizoram. Special ‘Pig Culling’ teams have been created which has personnel from the state police department as well.

So far, ASF has been confirmed in 9 districts of Mizoram- Siaha, Lawngtlai, Lunglei, Serchhip, Aizawl, Khawzawl, Hnahthial, Champhai, and Mamit, and over 6446 pigs have died.

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