Arogya Arunachal To Be Achieved By Preventive Measures And Healthy Lifestyle: CM Pema Khandu

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Chief Minister Pema Khandu today chaired the 2nd Governing Council meeting of the Chief Minister’s Arogya Arunachal (CMAA) Society, the nodal agency for implementing the Chief Minister’s Arogya Arunachal Yojana (CMAAY). Beneficiaries under the scheme include all APST citizens and state government employees.

CM Khandu assured support to the CMAA Society and urged for better coordination &, planning to make the scheme hassle-free for the common citizens as well as the empaneled hospitals. He also asked to ease the enrollment process of beneficiaries.

Congratulating CMAAS Team under Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nabam Khandu CM Khandu asked for a target-oriented approach to achieve to provide the facility to every eligible citizen of the state besides roping in an optimum number of hospitals.

“The main objective of the scheme, in the long run, should be to focus on and put in place robust preventive measures from the data collected while implementing the scheme. The name of the scheme itself mentions ‘Arogya Arunachal’ which means disease-free Arunachal that can be achieved only through preventive measures and healthy lifestyle,” he said.

To help the poor patients he asked the officials to find a to avail them both CMRF as well as CMAAY. This would help them cover the costs of major surgeries and treatment.

Earlier, Dr. Peter informed that CMAAY along with the central government scheme of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, launched in 2018, has enrolled 1.01 lakh beneficiary families so far. An enrolled family is entitled to a sum of Rs 5 lakhs per year for cashless treatment in empaneled hospitals.

Also, 81 hospitals have been empaneled of which 27 are out of Arunachal Pradesh, 15 being in neighboring Assam.

Beneficiaries are getting themselves treated for LSCS, cataract, cholecystectomy, appendicectomy, chemotherapy, etc. Among the hospitals ‘TRIHMS’ in Naharlagun is at the top in giving free and cashless treatment to maximum beneficiaries under the scheme followed by Bakin Pertin Hospital Pasighat, Rama Krishna Mission Hospital Itanagar, B Baruah Cancer Institute Guwahati and Khan Drowa Zangmo District Hospital Tawang.

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