Space Technology Augmenting Arunachal’s Development Journey

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During a NESAC meeting in Shillong, Meghalaya, on Saturday, July 25, Arunachal CM Pema Khandu have expressed his excitement and optimism to work with the North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) which would lead to a major role in the growth and development of the state.

Khandu said adopting space technology in the state would immensely help in the planning process for food and agriculture, communications, disaster risk mitigation, natural resource management, and poverty reduction.

He said that Arunachal has been working intensively with the NESAC on a variety of important projects and reviewing eight projects in March, three of which have already been reported.

He also said that the Arunachal government has developed an progressive pipeline of 38 projects  in three years, which includes water resources, agriculture, disaster management, environment and forests, HRD, development planning, and monitoring.

The total expenditure on these projects is Rs 18.3 crores, of which the state has contributed Rs 13.8 crores.

“With this, we begin the era of integrating space technology in the planning, execution, and monitoring process at all levels of governance. We are investing in capacity building of governance machinery to adopt space technology. We also propose to use this technology for town planning, tourism development, and effective implementation of telemedicine and e-education through the satellite-based communication system,” he informed.


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