Manipur : Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake Hits 39 Km SSW Of Ukhrul, At 10:33 AM

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Posted in Featured, Manipur, Northeast


  • NET Web Desk

On Monday July 26, an earthquake measuring a magnitude of 4.9 in the Richter Scale has hit Manipur at around 10:33 AM.

The epicentre of the earthquake was located at 39 km at South-Southwest (SSW) of Ukhrul, Manipur. Its depth measured 50 km.

The tremor occurred at 24.60 latitude and 94.33 longitude.

“Earthquake of Magnitude:4.9, Occurred on 26-07-2021, 10:33:31 IST, Lat: 24.60 & Long: 94.33, Depth: 50 Km ,Location: 39km SSW of Ukhrul, Manipur, India” – tweeted by the National Center for Seismology (NCS).

“There is a considerable knowledge and policy gap regarding earthquakes. Scientific research findings on the Kopili fault earthquake zone have hardly made it into disaster reduction policies. Bridging this gap is key to formulating any meaningful earthquake damage mitigation plans.” – asserted by scientists – Nilutpal Bora and Prakash Barman.

Scientists consider the Kopili fault zone closer to Himalayan Frontal Thrust as the main reason of these jolts. This is a seismically active area falling in the highest Seismic Hazard Zone V.

A 300 km long and 50 km wide lineament extending from the western part of Manipur up to the tri-junction of Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. The Kopili fault is a transpressional fracture that generates lower crustal dextral strike-slip earthquakes.

Currently the most active seismic zone in North East India, it is squeezed between the subduction and collision zones of the Himalayan belt and Sumatran belt, thereby making North East India, a highly prone region to often earthquake occurrences.

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