- NET Web Desk
On Tuesday August 10, the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan has issued a security advisory, urging Indian nationals to leave Afghanistan, and take immediate necessary steps, as adviced in the earlier Security Advisories.
Further, as violence in many parts of Afghanistan has escalated, commercial air travel services to many provinces and cities are getting discontinued.
As a result, all Indian nationals visiting, staying and working in Afghanistan are strongly advised to keep themselves updated on the availability of commercial flights from various parts of the country.
According to the advisory, nationals have been asked to make immediate travel arrangements, and return to India before commercial air services are discontinued to their place of stay/visit in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, Indian companies operating in Afghanistan are strongly advised to immediately withdraw their Indian employees out of project sites in Afghanistan before air travel services get discontinued.
Indian nationals working for Afghan or foreign companies in Afghanistan should immediately request their employer to facilitate their travel from project sites to India.
They have been asked to contact the Embassy at the contact details provided in the following advisory.
However, special attention is once again drawn to members of the Indian media arriving in Afghanistan.
It is very essential that all Indian media persons arriving/staying in Afghanistan to establish contact with Public Affairs and Security Wing of the Embassy for a personalized briefing, including specific advice for the location they are travelling to.
Besides, the notification asserts that such briefings will help media persons make a better assessment of the risks involved, given the rapid changes in security situation taking place in different parts of the country.
Furthermore, through the following advisory, the Embassy asserts that all Indian nationals are once again advised to register themselves with the Embassy of India website : https://eoi.gov.in/kabul/ or by email to : paw.kabul@mea.gov.in immediately.
The embassy had earlier issued similar security advisories on June 29, and July 24, 2021.