CM Khandu Gives Away State Teachers Awards, Launches Tribal Language Textbooks

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– NET Web Desk

Arunachal Chief Minister Pema Khandu conferred the ‘State Teachers Award 2021’ to 40 teachers of the state on the occasion of Teachers Day in a function held at State Banquet Hall, Itanagar.

He also released Third-Language textbooks for eight tribes of Arunachal, published by SCERT. These will be taught at the upper primary level from the next academic session. The languages are Nyishi, Wancho, Galo, Tagin, Kaman, Taraon, Idu & Tangsa.

Speaking on the occasion Chief Minister Pema Khandu emphasized that under the New Education Policy, the state government will focus on four thrust areas – Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), e-Governance and Digital Education, and Vocational and Teachers’ Education – to shape future scope and dynamics of the state’s education scenario.

CM Khandu also spoke about Mission Sikhsa, “We have recently launched ‘Mission Shiksa’ to provide good quality education to the students in an improved educational environment and uplifting the morale of teachers. We have also declared 2021 as Year of Education and will invest sufficiently through convergence to overhaul our education system,” Khandu informed.

Despite being a late starter in terms of education – Arunachal had only 3 primary schools at the time of Independence – Khandu said at present the state boasts of about 4000 schools. However, he lamented that the quality of education instead of growing has degraded in these years.

“We as a state have certainly faltered somewhere. We grew from 3 primary schools to 4000 schools. The number of teachers also increased manifold but we are still struggling to improve our quality of education. So many drawbacks and complaints continue to haunt the system,” Khandu wondered.

He blamed the lack of a robust ‘transfer and posting policy” of the government on the poor quality of education in most of the government-run schools.

“On records we have sufficient number of teachers but still so many schools across the state report shortage of teachers. This has to be resolved. Our Education department is working on it and soon transfer and posting will be digitally and transparently rationalized which will be available on the department’s web portal,” Khandu informed.
He also said political interference or influence in transfer and posting, particularly in Health and Education will not be allowed.

Khandu expressed that at the start certain reforms do hurt certain sections of people but, he claimed, in the long run results will be sweet and gave the example of State Staff Selection Board.

“Earlier, job-for-vote culture was prevalent. To stop it, we established the Staff Selection Board. At the beginning it did hurt some people including few politicians, their supporters and people looking for govt jobs in return for votes and cash. But today, the scenario is different. Everybody knows that to get a job you need to go through the Board exams. Today people are actually working hard and only eligible people are getting govt jobs,” he explained.

Likewise, Khandu said that reforms in the education sector may hurt a few and appealed the teachers to face it for the larger interest of the students, who are the future of the state. He, though, assured that extremely genuine cases will be considered by the government whenever it arises.

As schools are reopening after a long time due to the pandemic, he said the teachers have more work to do with their students.

“You have the added burden to re-kindle the interest to learn in students, who might have got distracted due to the pandemic. Future of our students depend upon you more so in the post-pandemic period,” Khandu observed.

Raising the issue of drug abuse, the Chief Minister called upon the teachers to join the fight against the menace. He said the government is determined to eradicate the social evil and sought cooperation from teachers to spread awareness and educating students on the ill effects of drug abuse.


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