Sikkim Government Issues Containment Directives For West District

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Posted in Featured, Northeast, Sikkim


  • NET Web Desk

The Sikkim Government has recently directed the containment of 44 areas due to spurt in COVID-19 cases reported during the recent days.

Signed by Additional District Magistrate (ADC), West Sikkim, these areas has been reported to become a probable hotspot of COVID-19, unless strict measures are taken immediately for the geographical containment of such areas.

According to order issued, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of the areas shall establish clear entry and exit points from the containment zones, in order to follow strict perimeter control.

The SSP (West) shall ensure sufficient deployment of Police personnel, and set-up barricades to seal the containment zones.

Besides, all persons residing or entering the containment zone shall compulsorily wear face masks and follow strict social distancing norms.

There shall be no movement of any persons outside their houses or camps, except in case of any emergencies.

However, all frontline workers in the containment zones shall take adequate precaution including wearing of PPE whenever necessary.

The Active Case Search Teams led by BDO shall ensure contract tracing of all cases to prevent spread of the disease.

This team shall ensure monitoring of all suspected cases in the areas.

It has been directed to report any suspected cases to the BDO and District Surveillance Team.

As per the order released, the District Surveillance Officer (West) and Medical Officer of concerned PHCs shall ensure the testing of all suspects, and immediately isolate the residents found positive.

All medical measures prescribed by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) in COVID-19 containment zones for large outbreaks shall be strictly complied, the order further states.

It asserts that any assembly of five or more shall be strictly prohibited within containment areas as per the provisions under sections 144 CrPC, 1973.

The order further states if any person fails to comply with the above orders, penalty under section 188 of IPC 1860, section 144 of CrPC 1973 will be initiated against them.

However, this order shall come into immediate effect in these areas specified above and shall remain valid until further orders.

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