Is a SaFe® Product Owner/ Product Manager Certification Worth It?

Posted in Business, Featured

Work environments differ and some tend to be scrum ready and some are acquainted with SaFe. In either scenario, an individual is taught how to steer an organization or a team through a busy and disruptive sea and still ensure – quality, within time, and consistent delivery. A SaFe® product owner/ manager’s sole intention is to help the organization grow, and is expected to deliver value, tools, activities, and mechanics that can help the same and ensure an efficient workplace where one and all can thrive in.

Who is a SaFe® Product Owner/ Product Manager?

A SaFe® Product Owner/ Manager is where work is sorted out into two levels, the former being at a specialty role within the Agile Team, and the latter holding a strategic managerial position at the head of the program. While the Product Owner’s groundwork is to collaborate with the stakeholders such as the business owners, the manager is more customer and market-oriented.

However, if you both want the role of the owner and the driver in larger work environments, or the ones acquainted with Lean and Agile, attaining the SaFe® POPM certification from KnowledgeHut is your best go-to. Learn in a stress-free environment, with real-world approaches and theoretical knowledge, all that you’d need to succeed in your enterprise.

How a POPM Can Benefit an Organization

A POPM when working on a strategy or tool, does so in tune with the customer’s needs, taking account of the organizational needs, as well as if the technology set-up can aid it. It is upon them to review and consider, is the product feasible or does it solve the client’s problem or benefit them at par to making sure it conforms to the business goals.

The POPM is also responsible for owning and contributing to the product vision and roadmap and consistently communicate with the architects and engineers involved. For instance, relaying to them the themes or strategies that need to be undertaken to help organizational development.

They help in the successful product delivery as a POPM is concerned with making sure all customer, technology, and enterprise elements are in order to back up the solution, or that every aspect of the project is clearly communicated to all involved. In fact, it is the POPM that acts on behalf of business owners and collaborate with the workforce, especially when laying down the PI planning.

How a POPM Certification Can Help You

The SaFe POPM certification is internationally recognized as well as quite in demand. And if you are simply looking for ways to enhance your CV or appeal to the foreign market, this is a great choice. Moreover, the world of opportunities greatly widens for you, as with the training you become a part of a community who are learning as well as the ones who have climbed up their success ladder and today are highly eminent personalities in the industry.

If you enjoy leadership, managerial positions: knowing and being in the tune of the client goals, the business goals as well as the status of the workforce, establishing the proceedings and communicating the same, these are some key roles you are made acquainted with the POPM training and will enjoy.


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