Voter Ids To Be Delivered Via Speed Post In Mizoram

Posted in Featured, Mizoram
  • NET Web Desk

Mizoram Chief Electoral Officer and Department of Posts, Mizoram signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for delivery of Electoral photo identity cards (EPICs) or simply known as Voter ID card through speed post.

Standard operating procedure (SoP) agreed by DoP in consultation with Election Commission of India(ECI) will be implemented by Post Master General (PMG) and Chief Electoral Officer.

As per the agreement, PMG will be responsible for providing facilities for booking, transmission and doorstep delivery of all services.

A barcode will be provided exclusively for booking the EPICS through speed post at the rate of ₹25 per article.

The MoU will be valid for five years with effect from October 12 this year.

The MoU was signed by state CEO P. Jawahar and Superintendent of Post K.T. Sailo on behalf of Post Master General of Mizoram in a function held at Mizoram New Capital Complex (MINECO) in Aizawl.

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