Mizoram Registers Significant Decline In ‘African Swine Fever’ Rate

Posted in Featured, Mizoram, Northeast


  • Ezrela Daldia Fanai, NET Correspondent, Mizoram 

African Swine Fever (ASF) – a highly contagious haemorrhagic viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, which earlier depicted serious economic losses of Mizoram farmers, have commenced to record a significant decline in its figures, with daily deaths coming down to 8.

According to reports, Mizoram have registered a total of 9 pig deaths, which has been suspected of ASF.

African Swine Fever have affected at least 11 districts, and 271 villages and localities across the state.

Mizoram currently incorporates of 96 villages and localities, which are suspected to be infected of ASF.

Meanwhile, a total of 29704 pigs have died from ASF. Out of these, 10380 pigs were culled, and 533 pigs are suspected to have succumbed due to the concerned disease.

Earlier, the conservative figures registered throughout the northeastern state, has painted a grim picture for the pig farmers of Mizoram, who incurred a financial loss of nearly 117 crores to African Swine Fever.

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