- NET Web Desk
The Central Government on Saturday asserted that as many as 3 coal mines from Northeast India have been auctioned for commercial mining.
According to PIB report, the two coal mines auctioned from Assam includes – Koilajan Coal Mine, and Garampani Coal Mine. Meanwhile, the other coal mine auctioned for commercial mining from Northeast India includes – Namchik Namphuk Coal Mine from Arunachal Pradesh.
The annual revenue projected based on the PRC (Peak Rate Capacity) for Koilajan is Rs. 2.54 Crores, and Rs 35.90 Crores for Garampani. Both the mines have gone to the Assam Mineral Development Corporation Limited.
Whereas, the annual revenue projected based on the PRC (Peak Rate Capacity) for Namchik Namphuk is Rs 422.49 Crores. The coal mine has gone to Platinum Alloys Private Limited.
“Under the commercial coal mining auction process a total of 42 coal mines, including the above 10 coal mines auctioned in Tranche-3, have been successfully auctioned till date with a total cumulative PRC of 86.404 MTPA.” – the coal ministry said in a statement.