Tripura : ADB To Fund Multi-Crore Projects In Next 4-5 Years; Asserts Chief Secretary – Kumar Alok

Posted in Featured, Northeast, Tripura


  • Abhijit Nath, NET Correspondent, Tripura 

Agartala, February 24, 2022 : The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will fund multi-crore projects for Tripura in the next four to five years as a part of strategic partnership.

This development has been the fruitful consequences of a crucial meeting chaired by Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb and officials of ADB headquarters in Agartala on February 22 last. The meeting was held urging the officials to come forward for strengthening the growth in the state government’s priority sectors.

Tripura chief secretary Kumar Alok in his official twitter hand wrote that the ADB will extend support to Tripura, one of North-Eastern states of India for diagnostic studies.

Kumar Alok on Thursday tweeted “Strategic Partnership Mission of ADB in Tripura has been successfully completed. ADB will be funding projects worth Rs 7-8000 Crore over the next 4-5 years excluding the current projects. In addition they will provide technical assistance and support for diagnostic studies.”

For this superlative initiative, the Chief Secretary conveyed thanks to the officials of ADB.

“Projects requiring regional cooperation with Bangladesh have also been identified and will be taken forward with consent of both country Governments. I thank Shri Sameer Khare, ED ADB and County Director Mr Takeo Konishi for taking this initiative,” Kumar Alok wrote in another tweet.

Earlier, Chief Minister Deb also called upon the ADB to work as a partner of the state government in building a drug free Tripura. He said a roadmap called ‘Lakshya-2047’ has been prepared for the next 25 years for the overall development of the state.

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