Arunachal Pradesh : ‘Pangsau Pass Challenge 2022’ – Ultimate Road Cycling Event Concludes At Miao

Posted in Arunachal Pradesh, Featured, Northeast


  • NET Web Desk

The “2nd edition of Pangsau Pass Challenge – 2022”, the ultimate adventure road cycling event promoting the trans-Arunachal Highways concluded today with tremendous fanfare.

A total of 28 cyclists from across the nation, participated in this expedition which commenced from Roing on March 21, 2022. The key purpose of the challenge was to promote tourism, highlight the scenic trans-Arunachal routes, and raise awareness about the health benefits of cycling.

The event was flagged-off by Roing legislator & chief guest of the event – Mutchu Mithi, Guest of Honour – Komji Linggi, ZPM, along with the Mt. Everest conqueror – Tine Mena.

Taking to Twitter, the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh – Pema Khandu wholeheartedly welcomed the participants. “The 2nd edition of Pangsau Pass Challenge 2022 begins today. This ultimate adventure road cycling event is being held with an aim to promote eastern Arunachal Pradesh as the major tourism destination.” – he wrote.

The cyclists were divided into three categories : men’s elite; women’s elite; and men’s junior.

By the end of second day, in the men’s elite, Mohmis Ismail (Jammu & Kashmir) secured the first position followed by Vitthal Bhosle (Maharashtra) in second and Tendon Michael Terang (Assam).

In the women’s elite, Kyakya Lindam Kiakia (Arunachal Pradesh) secured the first position followed by Roytong Mirip (Arunachal Pradesh) and Shine Umpey (Arunachal Pradesh) in second and third positions respectively.

Meanwhile, in the men’s junior category – Chemsom Ingti (Assam) secured the first position followed by Arshad Faridi (Delhi) and Dhenis Hangu (Arunachal Pradesh in second and third positions respectively.

The closing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs of Arunachal Pradesh and chief patron of the event – Kamlung Mosang. The Chief Guest for the event was the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Changlang district – Dr. Devansh Yadav, IAS, and ZPM Miao attended the event as its Guest of Honour.

Organized by Dapha Valley Tours & Travels in collaboration with Arunachal Pradesh Tourism, and Department of Youth Affairs; this event aimed to explore the possibilities of adventure tourism across the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh through cycling and camping along key locations.

Besides, it envisioned to encourage youngsters and raise awareness on undertaking cycling as a hobby, thereby invigorating fitness consciousness among them; while also promoting the attractive historic locations.

The expedition touched the iconic and historic “Stilwell Road” as well as other key tourist attractions in the state, including – Pasighat, Dambuk, Namdapha National Park, Golden Pagoda, and Jairampur’s World War Cemetery.

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