Consultative Workshop On ‘GAVI-INDIA Strategic Partnership’ Organized For 4 Northeastern States

Posted in Featured, Meghalaya, Northeast


  • NET Web Desk

In an attempt to generate awareness about the significance of vaccination programmes among the populace of northeastern states, the GAVI-INDIA Strategic Partnership 2022- 26 Workshop was organized today at Shillong Club for 4 NE States – Meghalaya, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland.

This initiative was organized by the National Health Mission (NHM) of Meghalaya along with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Meghalaya. Other Development partners involved in the programme are UNICEF, WHO, JSI and JHPIEGO.

The workshop aimed to delve on the consultative processes that GAVI Alliance (formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) has undertaken to bridge the immunization gaps which still exist in many parts of the country.

It will assist stakeholders in examining and studying the difficulties and causes of why there are still barriers to obtaining full immunization.

The focus of concerned GAVI Visit includes : Strong focus on demand and data; Selected supply-side interventions where Gavi funding can bring innovative approaches to scale; Focus on sustainable improvements in Routine Immunisation systems; Stronger role of community-based and civil society organisations (CSOs), esp. those focused on demand issues as well as private sector filling capacity gaps and Capacity building in national institutions.

The aims of this workshop are to strategize a plan on how to reach full immunization in children especially those who have never been vaccinated before using the local concepts and understanding the perspectives of the people.

GAVI will support the states in achieving this goal in this five-year partnership plan from 2022-26.

Its worthy to note that main objectives of GAVI is vaccination programs. It has been the main donor funder of vaccination among low & middle income countries.

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