Upgrade Health Infrastructure To Eliminate Healthcare Facility Crisis : Mizoram Health Minister 

Posted in Featured, Mizoram, Northeast


  • Ezrela Dalidia Fanai, NET Correspondent, Mizoram 

The Mizoram Health Minister – Dr. R. Lalthangliana highlighted the importance of upgrading health infrastructure of the nation & Mizoram, as every state is currently experiencing a shortage of doctors, nurses and other health care workers.

He remarked the same while addressing the third & final day of “14th Conference of Central Council of Health and Family Welfare (CCHFW)” or “Swasthya Chintan Shivir” held at Gujarat.

Dr Lalthangliana reiterated that Mizoram incorporates of a developed Sub-Centre and Health & Wellness Centre (HWC).

He further noted that ASHA/Health Workers in Mizoram would frequently visit patients across far-flung communities, who were unable to reach hospitals and would even assist in the delivery of infants.

According to NITI Aayog data from 2017, Mizoram ranks first among smaller states, with an Infant Mortality Rate of just 3 in 2019.

As per the Health Minister, Mizoram is also the only state in the country with health clinics. There are currently 200 Health Clinics, with plans to expand the infrastructure within the next few months.

Its worthy to note that the Central Council of Health and Family Welfare (CCHFW) was established under Article 263 of the India Constitution. The theme of this year’s meet was “Towards a Future-ready Healthcare Ecosystem”, which was attended by all States’ health Ministers and officials.

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