Assam : ITA Expresses Concern Over Flood-Crisis In Barak Valley; Disrupting Tea Transportation Process 

Posted in Assam, Featured, Northeast


  • NET Web Desk

The Indian Tea Association (ITA) today expressed concern over the current flood scenario in Assam’s Barak Valley, which has been historically reeling under economic disaster due to prolonged recessionary conditions.

An ITA Spokesperson remarked that owing to torrential rainfall since the first week of May, the entire Barak Valley has been reeling under severe flood crisis. All the rivers are flowing much above the danger thresholds, causing erosion in numerous areas.

The flood has interrupted stretch connectivity between the Barak and Brahmaputra Valley, disrupting the supply of essential inputs as well as tea dispatch. Road communication between numerous tea estates and the region’s major towns have also been severely affected.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson further mentioned that there is widespread concern about the paucity of basic inputs such as – petroleum, oil, lubricants, and coal.

“If the weather does not improve, a food shortage within the next few days is a clear possibility,” – he further added.

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