Tripura’s HC Judge – Justice Subhasis Talapatra Transferred To Orissa High Court

Posted in Featured, Northeast, Tripura


  • Abhijit Nath, NET Correspondent, Tripura 

Agartala, May 27, 2022 : After nine years of serving as judge in the High Court of Tripura, Justice Subhasis Talapatra has been transferred to the Orissa High Court as recommended by the Supreme Court Collegium on Friday.

The Collegium had recommended transfer or repatriation of six judges of the High Courts. The transferred judges are- Justice Ashamuddin Amanullah from Andhra Pradesh to Patna, Justice Chitta Ranjan Dash from Orissa to Calcutta, Justice Subhasis Talapatra from Tripura to Orissa, Justice Lanusungkum Jamir from Manipur to Gauhati, Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur from Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh to Bombay, and Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav from Madhya Pradesh to Delhi.

Justice Talapatra was born on October 04, 1961 at Udaipur in Tripura. He achieved LL.B. degree from Department of Law, University of Calcutta and started practice in the High Courts of North East India since 1990. Talapatra worked on Civil, Criminal and Constitutional issues in Agartala Bench of Gauhati High Court. He became the Senior Advocate on 21 December 2004. On 13 September 2013 he became the permanent Judge of Tripura High Court. In September 2020 Justice Talapatra, has been selected as a member of the Telangana Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal. Talapatra was also appointed twice as the Acting Chief Justice of the High Court of Tripura.

It is worthy to mention here that the High Court of Tripura was having a bench of four judges and one Chief Justice. With the transfer of Justice Talapatra, one post of judge fell vacant. Currently, Justice Indrajit Mohanty is the Chief Justice of the High Court while other three judges are- Justice T. Amarnath Goud, Justice Satya Gopal Chattopadhyay and Justice Arindam Lodh.

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