Focus On Small-Scale Entrepreneurship, Cottage Industry; Ensure Financial Independence Of Women Entrepreneurs : DC Soreng 

Posted in Featured, Northeast, Sikkim


  • Sujal Pradhan, NET Correspondent, Sikkim

In line with the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ Campaign, under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Food Processing Industries, the MSME division of Department of Commerce and Industries today organized and implemented a training-cum-awareness program on ‘PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprise (PM FME) Scheme’ at the auditorium of Soreng Senior Secondary School.

The event was attended by the Chief Guest & Advisor of SYA – M. N. Subba. He was accompanied by the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Soreng – Bhim Thatal; among other district officials including the beneficiaries of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Cooperative Societies and other individual members from food processing activities.

Speaking on the occasion, Subba mentioned that such schemes are a way to avail benefits that have been provided for the people by the Government.

He added that it will also garner better financial opportunities for those who are genuinely interested in entrepreneurship. Finally, he advised everyone present, to communicate the information to their fellow members of the community especially the unknowledgeable.

Besides, Thatal encouraged the attendees to have more positive approach towards entrepreneurship and to reap its benefits.

Acknowledging the participation of female population in achieving financial independence through various SHGs and societies, he remarked that primary focus needs to be given to small scale or cottage industries.

“Since entrepreneurship is a laborious task, sincere efforts must be put forth by the beneficiaries to make any scheme a success,” he added.

He also suggested beneficiaries to involve interested individuals into their respective SGHs while informing that minimum support price will be provided by the Government including training facilities.

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