Mizoram : Hachhek Constituency MLA Condemns Illegal Areca-Nuts Smuggling From Myanmar

Posted in Featured, Mizoram, Northeast


  • Ezrela Dalidia Fanai, NET Correspondent, Mizoram 

The Hachhek Constituency legislator – Lalrindika Ralte has strongly condemned the illegal smuggling of areca-nuts from Myanmar.

According to a press statement, the MLA noted that on June 28 and July 7, 2022, trucks carrying several bags of arecanuts were stopped at Zamuang village of Hachhek Constituency by farmers.

He stated that although the state government has claimed these areca-nuts business as illegal; he was surprised that the trucks were able to pass through check-gates and condemned the government for not carrying out its responsibility.

Ralte, in his statement highlighted the issues faced by arecanuts farmers of Hachhek Constituency; stating that due to illegal arecanuts entering the state of Mizoram from Myanmar, the market of the local farmers have been severely affected.

He requested the state government to immediately take strong actions against this illegal business, as it is causing immense problems for the citizens of Hachhek Constituency.

The MLA also praised the residents and farmers of his constituency for their tireless efforts in checking illegal arecanuts business and stated that he is continuously supporting their cause.

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