Mizoram : Drugs, Liquor Worth Of Rs 3 Lakhs Incinerated In Kolasib 

Posted in Featured, Mizoram, Northeast


  • Ezrela Dalidia Fanai, NET Correspondent, Mizoram 

The Minister of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs – K. Lalrinliana today incinerated over 3 lakhs worth of alcohol and other substances at Diakkawn, Kolasib.

These alcohol and contraband substances, worth of Rs. 3,30,100 is claimed to have been seized by the Kolasib Young Mizo Association (YMA) Sub-Headquarters.

According to an officials statement, these substances include – One soap case and 350 caps of Heroin; 2 kgs and 58 packets of Ganja; 500 gms of yeast; 44 cans of beer; and 15 cases of Indian-Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL).

K. Lalrinliana stated that Mizoram is currently overwhelmed by the influx of drugs and liquor; and lauded the YMA for backing-up the administration in its fight against illegal substances that has engulfed several households across the state.

Referring “drugs and alcohol are the enemies of the society” and as a gesture towards appreciating the YMA endeavour, K. Lalrinliana today donated Rs. 70,000 to the association.

The Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Kolasib – John LT Sanga noted that “Kolasib district is among the 272 districts in India, where substance abuses are highly prevalent,” and therefore, the state government has launched its flagship programme – ‘Nasha Mukt Bharat Campaign’ across the district.

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