Arunachal Pradesh : NABARD-Funded Rural Mart Inaugurated At Yachuli Market

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Posted in Arunachal Pradesh, Featured, Northeast


  • NET Web Desk

A Rural Mart supported by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) at Yachuli Market in Ziro-II Block of Lower Subansiri district has been unveiled today by the District Development Manager (DDM) of NABARD – Mewang Lowang.

Sanctioned to the Khelpu Village Organization, comprising of 10 SHGs with 93 women members from Yachuli area of Lower Subansiri District; this rural mart envisages to serve as a link between the producers, customers and aiding generation of additional income and employment at the grassroots level.

It will provide employment and livelihood opportunities to SHG members and their families residing along the district.

According to reports, the NABARD will provide grant assistance to cover the initial operational costs, like – rent and salary of sales person besides cost of promotion and basic capital costs.

This will enable the SHG members, who might be risk averse and have limited financial resources to promote their goods. It is a part of the marketing activities backed by NABARD, which has been designed to help farmers and other producers sell their goods at fair rates without the use of middlemen, monopolies, or unethical business practices.

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