Mizoram: Assam Rifles Dedicates School For Hearing-Impaired Children

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Posted in Featured, Mizoram, Northeast
Ezrela Dalidia Fanai, NET Correspondent, Mizoram

The Aizawl Battalion of 23 Sector Assam Rifles, under the aegis of Inspector General Assam Rifles (East) on Monday, dedicated a school for the hearing-impaired children at Kulikawn in Aizawl. Besides, the paramilitary troop also dedicated two Toilet Blocks constructed inside the premises of the Ephatha Society of Mizoram.

Brigadier Digvijay Singh, SM, Commander, Headquarters 23 Sector Assam Rifles, inaugurated the infrastructures.

Continuing with its endeavors towards assisting the needy as part of the ongoing Assam Rifles Civic Action Programme project, the construction of two toilet blocks was undertaken as an ‘Elimination of Defecation in Open’ directive from the government of India.

The inauguration ceremony was witnessed by approximately 77 troops of Assam Rifles and 100 civilians.

However, the special school was constructed in 2016 by the Ephatha Society of Mizoram, an NGO set up in 2012. The school currently has 16 students and five teachers.

Staffs of the school reported that they often receive donations from the Synod Church, and individuals and have recently received an amount of 2 lakhs under the Socio-Economic Development Program (the flagship of the incumbent government).

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