Tripura: Education Minister – Ratanlal Nath Kicks Off Bicycle Distribution At Gomati District; 44,673 Bicycles For Class XI Students

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Posted in Featured, Northeast, Tripura
Abhijit Nath, NET Correspondent, Tripura

Agartala, November 17, 2022: Tripura government will be distributing bi-cycles among 44,673 students of class IX who studied in 2020-21 and 2021-22 academic sessions in different government schools.

The bi-cycle distribution ceremony was not organized due to COVID pandemic. Hence, the government has also decided to provide bi-cycles to all 44,673 students of class IX who studied in 2020-21 and 2021-22 academic session. Each bi-cycle will cost Rs 3,828 while the government will bear an expenditure of Rs 17 crore 10 lakh, an official of the School Education department.

Education minister Ratanlal Nath on Thursday inaugurated Gomati district-level bi-cycle distribution programme at Chandrapur Colony Higher Secondary School premises here in Udaipur. The School Education department on Thursday distributed 384 bicycles among 5 schools of Gomati district.

Addressing the gathering, Education minister Nath said that multi-pronged plans have been adopted for the overall development of the education system of the state and the implementation of those is in progress. “The current government of the state has launched various schemes like NCERT Syllabus, Vidyajyoti Scheme, Super 30, Bachar Bachao (Save the Year) Scheme, Centrally Prepared Question Papers etc. Vocational courses are currently introduced in 295 schools in the state”, he added.

In the event, the Education Minister also said that the state government has taken special initiatives for women’s self-empowerment. Provision has been made to reserve 33 per cent seats for women in government jobs. To ensure social security of women, important schemes like One Stop Centre, Women Helpline, Shelter for Homeless Women, Sakhi Nivas, Janani Suraksha Yojana, Chief Minister Matripushti Yojana, various social allowances including National Widow Allowance, Ujjwala Yojana, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao etc. are being implemented.

He said that the PM Shri scheme will be launched in the state very soon. Transparent recruitment policy has been introduced in the state. Now meritorious students are successfully getting jobs in various departments through competitive exams.

The Minister further added that bicycles have been distributed among 19 thousand 209 girl students in the state in the last four years and an amount of Rs 33 crore and 10 lakh have been spent on it. The state government has arranged bicycles for all girl students studying in class IX. Earlier these bicycles were given only to a certain category of students. So far, 5 thousand 110 students of 118 schools of Gomati district will be given bicycles. He said that the distribution of bicycles in Gomti district has started today through this program.

During the event, Education Minister Ratanlal Nath and other guests distributed bicycles’ among 384 female students of five schools in Gomti district.

The minister was accompanied by MLA Biplab Kumar Ghosh, Udaipur Municipal Council Shital Chandra Majumder, District Education Officer Laxman Chandra Das also spoke in this programme. Students and teachers were present on the occasion along with senior officers of various departments.

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