Gorkhaland Activist Samuha is preparing for massive and national-level non-political movements to pursue the demand for separate statehood demand of the Gorkhas.
Addressing a press conference in Gangtok, the Convenor of the Gorkhaland Association – Kishore Pradhan, shared, “We have already started visiting states with our agenda, and this time we will take the issue forward in a non-political manner, similar to the revolution initiated for the inclusion of Nepali in scheduled language list. We intend to commence a new movement for Gorkhaland, that would purely be non-political and will be fully sponsored by public sponsored.”
Responding to a query on the movement, Pradhan noted, “Our main aim is to emphasize the Identity crisis of the Gorkha community in India, and prove the necessity to have our own state. If the Gorkhaland issue gets fulfilled, then the identity issue will also be resolved.”