Scientific bee rearing and management training programme, organized by the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) was held at Rabitar under Sumbuk Block in Namchi District.
The Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) aims to impart skills and knowledge on Scientific bee rearing and its management, through a training program from December 15-19, 2022.
Resource person for the training program was the Beekeeping instructor from the Department of Horticulture – Sushil Chandra Chettri, with the presence of Ward Panchayat – Ansa Man Subba, BTM of Sumbuk – Ramesh Dahal and local cultivators of Rabitar.
During the first day of the training programme, the resource person shared the basic knowledge among the cultivators about the Bees and Beehives.
The farming tools were also practically displayed, on the programme. Various other information was also shared through the visual presentation.
It is worth noting that the training session will share related knowledge in a detailed manner during the upcoming session.