Plight of 25 Reang Families In Tripura; Deprived Of Ration Cards

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Posted in Featured, Northeast, Tripura
Abhijit Nath, NET Correspondent, Tripura

Agartala, February 20, 2023: In the 21st century, it is quite impossible to think of a family left out from the list of enjoying government benefits, but there are 25 poor Reang families in Tripura’s Dhananjay Para under Gomati district who are deprived of “Ration Cards” till date.

Reang community is one of the oldest indigenous communities dwelling in remote hilly terrains of Tripura. So far, most families of this community are found to be the worst victims of different kinds of government amenities.

It is reported that 25 Reang families residing at Dhananjay Para, locally known as ‘Twikrak Para’ which is about 7 KMs away from Paharpur village council under Amarpur RD block in 41-Ampi assembly constituency under Gomati district do not have government ration card till date. For not having ration cards, these poor families who are day labourers are in miserable condition.

Sources said that only on the eve of election, leaders of different political parties pay a visit to their village to gain vote and motivate them for various government facilities but after the election they forget them; never turn back to look at their sufferings.

Local villagers alleged that after being appealed many times for government ration cards to the concerned authority, the families did not get any positive response till today.

Bijendra Reang, Nabinjoy Reang, Chamiram Reang, Birchandra Reang and many others, total 25 families do not have ration cards and are totally deprived from any kind of food grain and other facilities.

Due to not having ration cards they are deprived from different kinds of government amenities throughout the years. The administration is neglecting them to give their constitutional fundamental rights.

The concerned authority must visit the village and interact with the local villagers to take appropriate steps to provide them ration cards immediately, demanded the deprived Reang families of this village.

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