Mizoram: Horticulture Department’s Vehicle Skids Into Tlawng River; Joint Director Dies On Spot

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Posted in Featured, Mizoram, Northeast
Ezrela Dalidia Fanai, NET Correspondent, Mizoram

Aizawl, April 08, 2023: At around 12:30 PM on Saturday, a Mahindra Bolero truck bearing registration number MZ-01L-3894 skidded off near Buichali bridge (towards Kolasib District) and immediately submerged into Tlawng river.

After 5 in the evening, the corpse of C. Lalremsiama, who is the Joint Director at Horticulture Department in Mizoram, and believe to be the driver of the vehicle was seen floating and immediately removed from the water.

When the accident initially happened, rescue workers were unable to identify the vehicle as it fell 12 feet deep into the river, with a muddy and strong current.

Later, a group of expert drivers from the nearby town checked the vehicle but found only badminton racket and shoes inside the submerged vehicle.

After verification of the car’s registration number through VAHAN, it was confirmed that the vehicle belongs to the State’s Horticulture Department and was driven by the aforementioned Joint Director.

C. Lalremsiama is a resident of Aizawl’s Luangmual who left his home at 11 AM for Kolasib to play a game of badminton.

He is survived by his wife and four children.

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