Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati Inaugurates Seminar On National Integration At MZU

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Aizawl, the 15th May 2023: The Department of Mass Communication, Mizoram University had organised 2 days National Seminar on ‘National Integration through Cultural Exchange’ to be attended by various participants from various parts of the country. Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati, the Chief rector of the University graced the inaugural function held today at the Conference Hall of Guests’ House, Mizoram University as the chief guest.

At the outset of his address, Governor spoke about how relevant is the topic of this Seminar in today’s context when the unity of our Nation is being challenged by forces from both within and outside the country. He urged everyone always to remember and try to appreciate that ‘Unity in Diversity’ is our greatest strength. On the contribution of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for national integration with a special focus on the North East region, he said, “For a long time, the region was largely ignored and cut off from the rest of the country. However, in the last decade or so, especially under the Prime Ministership of Shri Narendra Modiji, the region has become much closer to mainland India in terms of development, communication and integration”.

The Governor also spoke about the positives of the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat programme, which aims to promote interaction between people of different states. He further added that the best way to break down barriers between people is through direct communication and interaction. Therefore, cultural exchange programmes are beneficial for bringing about mutual understanding and fostering valuable national integration.

The inaugural session commenced with an introduction to the theme of the seminar by Dr Irene Lalruatkimi, Assoc Prof, Department of Mass Communication, Mizoram University. In this session, Prof Sunil Umrao, University of Allahabad, the guest of honour and the contributing resource person delivered the keynote address. Prof Pravakar Rath, Acting Vice Chancellor, MZU, Prof Lalnundanga, Registrar, MZU and Prof Bhartendu Singh, Dean of SEMIS, MZU were the other speakers.

The seminar will have workshops and consultations through 6 sessions – 2 offline sessions and 4 online sessions touching several sub-topics under the main topic: ‘National Integration through Cultural Exchange’.

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