Agartala, July 12, 2023: In a shocking incident on Wednesday morning, visitors on their morning walk at the revered one of the 51 “Shakti Peeth’s” Mata Tripureshwari Temple’s Kalyan Sagar pond, stumbled upon the head of a human skeleton floating in the sacred waters. Promptly alerted, the chief priest of the temple, Chandan Chakraborty, along with the manager of the temple trust, Manik, and the Matabari Panchayat Pradhan, Montu Chandra Das, rushed to the scene.
Upon their arrival at the Kalyan Sagar pond, they confirmed the presence of the human skeleton head floating in the water. The authorities wasted no time in notifying the local Radha Kishore Pur police station, who swiftly responded to the report. After an initial examination, law enforcement informed the media that the recovered remains indeed belonged to a human skeleton. They suspect foul play, suggesting that the head might have been transported from elsewhere and dumped in the Kalyan Sagar. The identity of those responsible for this act remains unknown, but authorities are determined to launch a thorough investigation to uncover the truth.
Chandan Chakraborty, the head priest of the Matabari temple, expressed his concern regarding the discovery, stating that if the head belongs to a human, it necessitates the correction of procedures and adherence to various rules and regulations regarding the use of water from the Mata Tripureshwari Temple’s pond for religious purposes.
Meanwhile, despite efforts to locate additional remains, the police could only retrieve the human skeleton head. The remaining parts of the body, if any, remain elusive. The recovered head has been transferred to the mortuary at Gomati District Hospital in Tepania for further examination.
The news of the human skeleton’s head found in the sacred waters of the Mata Tripureshwari Temple’s pond has sent shockwaves through the entire Udaipur sub-division. Authorities are now faced with the task of identifying the source and motive behind this disturbing incident, vowing to bring those responsible to justice.