Surge In Dengue Cases Sparks Concern In Diphu, Assam

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Posted in Assam, Featured, Northeast
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Guwahati, July 18, 2023: Health authorities in Diphu, Karbi Anglong district of Assam, are sounding the alarm as dengue cases surge in the area. The latest reports indicate a worrying total of 569 confirmed dengue cases since the start of the year.

Tragically, one person identified as Rohila Terongpi lost their life to dengue two weeks ago, underscoring the severity of the situation. In response, the Health Department is taking immediate action to raise public awareness and combat the disease’s spread effectively.

Teaming up with the District Administration and Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council, a bike rally was organized on Tuesday to spread awareness among the local population. The rally aimed to cover all 14 municipal wards in Diphu, with a special focus on the severely affected wards, particularly wards no. 1, 4, and 9. Ward no. 4 reported the highest number of cases, with a staggering 119 confirmed dengue cases.

Dr. Borsing Ingti, Joint Secretary of the Health Department, emphasized the significance of the awareness campaign and urged the public to cooperate in curbing the surge of dengue cases. The health department has implemented various measures, including fogging and distribution of medicated mosquito nets, to tackle the outbreak effectively.

Since January, the Health Department has conducted a total of 1,885 tests, of which 569 were found positive for dengue. This data highlights the urgency of maintaining clean surroundings and adopting preventive measures to stem the disease’s spread.

In response to the situation, the District Administration has issued a stern warning to residents, stating that failure to keep their surroundings clean may result in penalties. The local authorities are urging the public to play an active role in the fight against dengue to safeguard the health and well-being of the community.

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