As reported, two labourers working at the newly-built house of Guwahati-based doctor JN Borgohain in Bamunimaidam, were admitted to the intensive care unit after they sustained serious injuries in an attack by unidentified miscreants.
The incident reportedly took place at the Akashi Nagar Road, Bamunimaidam locality of Guwahati.
Dr. Borgohain reportedly took the critically injured labourers to a nearby infirmary and lodged a complaint to the Chandmari Police Station.
It has come to light that reportedly two people named Gagan and Hitesh had approached the Doctor a few days ago demanding Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 15 lakhs and the attack could be perhaps due to him not obliging to their demands, as per the doctor.
Following this, the Police have filed the complaint against the duo and an investigation into the matter has been initiated.