Itanagar Capital Region DC Calls For Urgent Bio-Medical Waste Disposal System

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Posted in Arunachal Pradesh, Featured, Northeast
NET Web Desk

Addressing a coordination meeting regarding management of bio-medical waste at his conference hall on Monday, Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom emphasized the critical need for a comprehensive bio-medical waste disposal system in the capital region, citing its high concentration of hospitals and healthcare facilities within the state.

Dr. Anong Borang, the designated bio-waste nodal officer for Itanagar’s capital, informed attendees about the installation of an incinerator facility at the waste disposal site in Chimpu. This facility, once operational, is expected to fulfill the current demand for bio-medical waste disposal in the entire capital region.

He further provided insights into the forthcoming Common Bio-Medical Waste and Treatment Plant at Toru Circle, which will serve Papumpare, Lower Subansiri, and Capital Itanagar once it is completed.

Furthermore, Assistant Commissioner Datum Gadi of the Itanagar Municipal Corporation elaborated on the existing waste disposal system in the capital and underscored the urgent need to activate the incinerator in Chimpu.

N. Meji, a scientist from the Arunachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board (APSPCB), offered information about the guidelines set forth by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) concerning effluent treatment plants and the management of bio-medical waste and urged all stakeholders to strictly adhere to these NGT guidelines.

Moreover representatives from various hospitals in the capital region, including Swami Jyotinanda from RKM Hospital, Dr. Kesang from Heema Hospital, Mudang Ommo from BTM Hospital, and others, shared insights into their respective hospitals’ waste management systems. They collectively emphasized the pressing necessity of a proper bio-waste disposal system in the capital region.

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