In a heart-wrenching turn of events during the festive season, a 12-year-old boy, identified as Suman Roy, a student of class 8 at Gaikhowa Gandhigram Middle School in Assam’s Dhubri district, took a drastic step by jumping into the Gadadhar River.
This unfortunate incident transpired in the Golakganj area on Monday, reportedly due to his deep disappointment over not receiving new clothes for Durga Puja.
Reportedly,the young boy’s family disclosed that he had been grappling with feelings of despondency due to the disappointment.
The police and State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) personnel arrived at the location after receiving information from nearby homeowners and immediately initiated search and rescue operations to locate the missing boy.
Unfortunately, Suman Roy remains missing as of yet .
However,Superintendent of Police in Dhubri district, Navin Singh confirmed that efforts are still underway to find the missing boy.