Agartala, April 11, 2024: CPIM politburo member and former Chief Minister of Tripura Manik Sarkar on Thursday delivered a stark warning, suggesting that if the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) returns to power, it could spell the demise of the electoral system in the country. Sarkar was joined by Opposition Leader Jitendra Chaudhury, the rally served as a platform to voice concerns over the future of democracy in India.
In an election rally at Belonia under South Tripura district on Thursday, Sarkar predicted that if the BJP retains control, it could mark the last time citizens exercise their right to vote, alleging that the ruling party might strip away this fundamental democratic privilege. He accused the Prime Minister and the BJP government of undermining democratic values, asserting that they are steering the nation towards the erosion of democracy and the establishment of a new, potentially authoritarian regime.
Highlighting contentious issues, Sarkar condemned the BJP’s approach to citizenship, emphasizing that citizenship should not be contingent upon religious affiliation. He rebuked the notion that one must adhere to a specific religion to retain citizenship rights, asserting the secular principles enshrined in the constitution. Sarkar reiterated the importance of state neutrality towards religion, condemning any favoritism or bias towards a particular faith by government authorities.
Further addressing the crowd, Sarkar criticized the BJP’s governance in Tripura, alleging that the party’s ascent to power in the state assembly despite receiving fewer votes exemplifies a disregard for democratic norms. He accused the BJP of resorting to undemocratic tactics out of fear, reassuring the public that there is no justification for apprehension.
Echoing Sarkar’s sentiments, Opposition Leader Jitendra Chaudhury framed the upcoming Lok Sabha elections as a pivotal battle to safeguard democracy and uphold constitutional principles. Chaudhury highlighted the disparity between the BJP’s electoral success and the percentage of votes it received, emphasizing that a significant portion of the electorate had rejected the ruling party due to perceived deceitful practices.