Agartala, April 27, 2024: In a heartwarming display of humanity amidst duty, a member of the CRPF’s 124th battalion has garnered widespread acclaim after aiding a mother during the recent elections. Head Constable Montu Bora, hailing from Barpeta in Assam, received accolades from both state police authorities and the CRPF for his exemplary act.
During his duty at the Uptakhali Panchayat office of Booth No. 33, Assembly No. 57 in North Tripura District during the elections in the East Tripura Parliamentary Constituency on April 26th, Bora demonstrated extraordinary compassion. Witnessing a mother struggling in the scorching heat with her infant while waiting in line to vote, he stepped forward without hesitation.
Amidst his responsibilities of maintaining security with a gun in hand, Bora took the initiative to ease the burden of the distressed mother. Placing the child in his custody, he enabled her to cast her vote with ease. This act of kindness, captured in a poignant moment, soon spread across social media platforms and newspapers, drawing attention to Bora’s selfless gesture.
In recognition of his remarkable display of humanity and dedication to duty, Bora was felicitated by both the state police administration and the CRPF. Superintendent of Police Bhanupada Chakraborty awarded a special commendation to Bora, underscoring the significance of security personnel engaging in social welfare activities.
CRPF 124 Battalion Commandant Mukesh Tyagi, addressing the press during the ceremony, emphasized the multifaceted role of CRPF personnel beyond security duties. He highlighted the importance of recognizing such acts and expressed intent to recommend Bora for further commendation like DG Disc.
The Superintendent of Police hailed Bora’s actions as unprecedented, symbolizing the commitment of security forces to social welfare. The recognition bestowed upon Bora not only honors his individual act but also serves as a testament to the ethos of compassion and service within the CRPF.