Arunachal: Rain, Hailstorm Causes Extensive Damage In Upper Siang district

NET Web Desk

Heavy rain accompanied by hailstorm wreaked havoc in Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh on the evening of May 21, causing extensive damage and disrupting power supply and surface communication to several villages under Tuting sub-division.

Tuting circle officer Imar Ete on Wednesday said three-foot suspension bridges over the Siang river in Mayum, Zido, and Singging villages under the sub-division were damaged due to the sudden storm.
Ration supply for army personnel stationed at Mayum top has also been affected, the official said.

People have been alerted not to use damaged bridges until they are completely restored.
Upper Siang Deputy Commissioner Hage Lailang directed ADC Tuting to assess the damage caused in the area and submit the report immediately.

The heavy storm also damaged the 11kv line and LT line at Tuting, affecting power supply in the area.

Power supply has also been disrupted in the district, including Yingkiong, the district headquarters, since Tuesday evening due to damage caused to overhead lines in some locations at Geku.

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