Agartala, June 06, 2024: Chief Minister Prof Dr. Manik Saha, newly elected Lok Sabha MP Biplab Kumar Deb, and Pradesh BJP President Rajib Bhattacharjee departed for New Delhi on Thursday afternoon. The leaders are set to attend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony for his third consecutive term on June 8.
Sources indicate that Chief Minister Dr. Saha and BJP President Bhattacharjee are expected to return to the state on June 9. However, the return date for former Chief Minister and newly elected MP Deb has not yet been finalized.
A highly placed source within the Pradesh BJP has revealed that top leaders from Tripura, including Chief Minister Dr Saha, newly elected Lok Sabha MP Deb and Pradesh BJP President Bhattacharjee will participate in several crucial meetings before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony.
These meetings have been scheduled ahead of the June 8 ceremony in New Delhi, will primarily focus on the strategic selection of Members of Parliament and Chief Ministers to serve on various committees. The discussions are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future political scenario and ensuring effective governance across different states.
In addition to these pre-ceremony meetings, Chief Minister Dr. Saha and BJP President Bhattacharjee are also slated to hold discussions with BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda. These talks will center on the preparations and strategies for the upcoming three-tier Panchayat elections in Tripura. The Panchayat elections are a significant event for the BJP, as they aim to consolidate their grassroots support and strengthen their political foothold in the state.
The outcomes of these meetings could have far-reaching implications for the BJP’s organizational structure and electoral strategies, both in Tripura and at the national level.