Agartala, June 17, 2024: A delegation from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by MP Biplab Kumar Deb arrived at Cooch Behar on Monday to address the escalating concerns over law and order in West Bengal. The visit follows a series of violent incidents that have marred the state post-elections, with the BJP accusing the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) of fostering an atmosphere of terror and intimidation.
“Law and order has completely broken down in West Bengal. It is very unfortunate for the people of Bengal,” stated MP Deb during a press briefing. His remarks came after a thorough inspection of the affected areas alongside a four-member committee including MP Ravishankar Prasad, Brijlal and Kavita Patidar.
The BJP has consistently raised alarms over the recurring violence that follows each election cycle in West Bengal. “After every election, there is an atmosphere of post-election terror in West Bengal,” Dev asserted. He emphasized the urgency of the situation, noting that the BJP parliamentary party frequently finds itself compelled to intervene.
During his visit, Deb was particularly critical of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, accusing her of failing to uphold democratic principles and maintain law and order. “Democracy is in danger in West Bengal,” he declared. “In the election, the ruling party Trinamool sponsored social separatists who started unspeakable torture on opposition party workers and voters.”
Deb further lambasted the Chief Minister for her alleged inaction and tacit approval of the violence. “Only the Chief Minister can maintain law and order in the state. But West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is playing the role of a silent spectator. She has given license to bully Trinamool Congress workers. No government can run like this in any state,” he asserted.
The BJP delegation’s visit to Cooch Behar underscores the heightened political tensions and the urgent need for restoring peace and order in the region. The situation continues to draw national attention as the BJP calls for immediate action to protect the democratic rights and safety of all citizens in West Bengal.