Lakshman Prasad Acharya Appointed Governor Of Assam With Additional Charge Of Manipur Amidst Crisis

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Posted in Assam, Featured, Manipur, Northeast
NET Web Desk

Imphal, July 29: In a recent gubernatorial reshuffle, Lakshman Prasad Acharya has been appointed as the new Governor of Assam and given additional responsibilities for Manipur. This change is particularly notable as it comes in the midst of ongoing political unrest in Manipur.

Anusuiya Uikey, who has been serving as Governor of Manipur since February last year, is set to be replaced by Acharya.

Om Prakash Mathur, a veteran BJP leader, will assume the role of Governor of Sikkim, succeeding Acharya.

Ramen Deka, a former Lok Sabha member from Assam, has been appointed as the Governor of Chhattisgarh.

Former Lok Sabha member from Assam Ramen Deka has been appointed as the Governor of Chhattisgarh, and C H Vijayashankar, the former Lok Sabha member from Mysore in Karnataka, will be Meghalaya governor.

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