Japanese Expert Team Visits Sikkim To Enhance Disaster Management Capabilities

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Posted in Featured, Northeast, Sikkim
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Gangtok, July 31: An expert team on Disaster Risk Reduction from Japan visited Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Government of Sikkim as part of a monitoring tour of North Eastern states, following a two-week JICA training program in Tokyo from May 11 to May 26, 2024, by officers of SSDMA.

The team, led by Mr Kuwano Takeshi, Head of the Project, met with the Relief Commissioner cum Secretary Ms Namrata Thapa at the Conference Hall of the Land Revenue & DM Department to discuss disaster management strategies and assess recent disaster impacts in the state.

The meeting focused on disaster management strategies in Sikkim, emphasizing both short-term and long-term measures. Key points included the need for an early warning and monitoring system, the potential for a mobile-based system, and the construction of embankments. The discussion highlighted the unique challenges posed by landslides in the region, including the need to relocate affected populations. The Japanese team’s advanced technology and expertise were acknowledged as crucial for addressing these issues. Training local disaster mitigation personnel was also emphasized as a priority.

The Japanese team, which included consultants – Mr Takashi Yuashi, Ms Miho Akoguchi, and Ms. Sasaki Yuka, conducted a two-day field visit to areas affected by recent natural disasters. The team was assisted by Rajiv Roka, Additional Director and Keshav Koirala, Assistant Director from SSDMA.

On July 29, the delegation visited Majuwa and Pathing, led by Sub Divisional Magistrate Mr. Tshering Norgyal Theeng. The team were able to get an insight from the Magistrate on the tragedy that unfolded due to a recent landslide.

On July 30, the team, joined by Mr. Priyank Jindal, Senior Consultant from NDMA, visited Ambhithang, Pakshep, and Naga, guided by Block Development Officer Mr. Kailash Thapa.

This visit aims to strengthen disaster management capabilities and foster international cooperation in mitigating the impact of natural disasters in the region.

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